Thursday, November 4, 2010

Food fight

  • What happen recently in the PFA/INT cafeteria was very surprising. It all began with a group of PFA students throwing milk across the cafeteria. After a the group of PFA students decided to throw milk then everyone including INT decided to throw any thing they had left over on their plates. From rice to pizza and milk they threw it all. What a mess! poor janitors they had to clean it all up.  

safe school policy

  • At the lawrence high school campus, which includes all six acadamies it would be very hard for others to maintain in a safe environment because of all those students that are going to that school. Nobody in that schools knows what would happen in one day, thats why it is good to stay safe and have a good communication with your staff members and others. In the lawrence high school policy manuel it says that " they will not tolerate violence or injury to staff or students, nor will weapons be tolerated at any school activity or on any school district property". Just because there are alot of kids involved at school.

school hallways and classrooms


  • Students dancing around and singing  in between classes. A lot of enthusiastic people rushing to get to their next period. People listening to others sing and dance around, giving them opinions on their strengths and weakness.  

school uniform

  • school uniform is the way to show who the school is representing. And also showing who you really are in person. some peoples opinion of the uniform would be to let them where no uniform when ever they feel like it or just having to get a couple of days to wear at least confortable clothing on once in a while. Another opinion that the students had in a survey that i had took around the Lawrence High School, Performing And Fine Arts the majority of students voted to actually wear uniform and the reason for that was that, then they dont have to be picking out cloth for school and wasting money on it eaither.